In last night’s election, 10 State Attorneys General races were decided, with North Carolina and Pennsylvania remaining too close to call.
Of the remaining eight states the winners are:
- Indiana: Todd Rokita (Republican/newly elected)
- Missouri: Eric Schmitt (Republican/Incumbent)
- Montana: Austin Knudsen: (Republican/newly elected)
- Oregon: Ellen Rosenblum (Democrat/Incumbent)
- Utah: Sean Reyes (Republican/Incumbent)
- Vermont: TJ Donovan (Democrat/Incumbent)
- Washington: Bob Ferguson (Democratic/Incumbent)
- West Virginia: Patrick Morrisey (Republican/Incumbent)
We congratulate the winners and will continue to watch Pennsylvania and North Carolina. We will provide updates as they are available.
We will also report on Maine’s State Legislature results when they are available, as the State Legislature will vote on the new AG.
To learn more about the new and returning Attorneys General, please view Crowell & Moring’s “2020 Attorneys General Election Summary.”