Each week, Crowell & Moring’s State Attorneys General team highlights significant actions that State AGs have taken. Here are this week’s updates.Continue Reading State AG Update: Jan. 11-15, 2021
Attorneys General Target Unsupported Medical Treatment Claims

Although COVID-19 is occupying a lot of regulatory resources, Attorneys General are continuing their consumer protection mission, including watching out for deceptive claims related to stem cell therapy and other medical treatments. Attorneys General are particularly concerned about businesses making unsupported claims suggesting their services or procedures can treat or cure disease.Continue Reading Attorneys General Target Unsupported Medical Treatment Claims
Attorneys General Are on the Watch for COVID-19 Related Scams

Now that some businesses are attempting to re-open and must sanitize their locations for employees and the public, Attorneys General will vigilantly monitor for unsupported claims that products can cure or prevent the transmission of COVID-19. They will also watch for claims that a location using these products will be safe for the public. Several Attorneys General have already initiated enforcement actions and issued cease and desist letters admonishing companies who made such representations, and more are sure to follow.Continue Reading Attorneys General Are on the Watch for COVID-19 Related Scams