As the top legal officers in their states, state attorneys general are active in enforcing laws in a wide range of areas, including, but not limited to, deceptive business practices, consumer protection, antitrust, healthcare fraud, privacy, environmental regulations, and financial services. As many AGs continue to ramp up their affirmative litigation efforts, companies that hire workers, manufacture products for sale, or offer goods and services in the public marketplace will increasingly become targets of one or more AGs, often times through multistate or joint AG investigations.
This blog is dedicated to providing these companies with the most recent news, insights, and updates in the state AG space nationwide. We seek to serve as a resource for any company—small, multinational, and anywhere in between—with a keen interest in the dynamic and evolving landscape of state attorneys general enforcement strategy. Our guiding principle is that it is better to know the AGs before they know about you, your company, and what you are doing in their respective states.
Join us to stay informed and ahead in understanding the crucial role state attorneys general play in shaping our legal and regulatory environments.